My story starts with a newborn child. I did not want her to grow up addicted to cell phones like most children are.

Sleep disorders, obesity, eye strain, inappropriate behavior, bad posture, radiation, attention problems, low social skills, and mental disorders are some of the cited consequences of excessive screen time.

I did not want any of the problems to happen to my child. And I am sure neither do you.

After researching, talking to specialists, networking with other parents, and cogitating on the throne called a commode endless hours, a new idea as big as a Tesla truck hit me.

I said to myself: “Children will never leave their cellphones or get interested in learning unless we make their learning experience as playful as possible”.

Children pay attention and are willing to explore when things are interesting to them.

To spark a desire to learn with a pinch of curiosity in tiny brains, I created Brainy Pages and filled it with fun.

Let the journey begin!